Application Process


A Provisional applicant is a person/s seeking membership to the club via the provisional application period of six months. To join the applicant must:
a) Download and complete the Provisional Application form at the bottom of the page.

b) Pay applicable fee listed on the application form and post the completed application form to PFRC, PO Box 899, Joondalup DC WA 6919

Once application and payment has been received the application will be presented to the committee for consideration. If the application is passed the following criteria needs to be completed:
a) The provisional applicant must successfully complete the mandatory PFRC Safety Training Course and if the applicant is also considering attending handgun shoots, then it is a requirement to successfully complete the Muzzle Awareness Course. Please note that the Muzzle Awareness course cannot be attended before Safety Training has been passed.

b) The provisional applicant must maintain good standing within the club and complete 6 shoots in six months. Shoots are to be signed off by the Delegate on the provisional card which will be provided.

c) Current membership to the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) is mandatory. Evidence must be provided to the clubs Registrar.

At the end of the six-month Provisional Applicant period, the applicant must return the completed Provisional Card, to PFRC, PO Box 899, Joondalup DC WA 6919 for presentation and consideration by the committee to full membership.

A probationary member is deemed by the committee as someone requiring urgent support for firearms that meets the following criteria: –
a) Is currently a member of Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) and has been a member for at least six months.

b) Needs to be a member or have substantial previous membership of another SSAA club or equivalent organization and needs to supply written bona-fides from the administration of those organizations.

c) or prove to the committee via successful completion of the Safety Training/Muzzle Awareness Courses, and a practical assessment of firearms use on the range, as deemed acceptable by the committee.

d) Conversant with Club Rules of the Range. Have an understanding of the By-Laws and constitution and its effect on them as a Probationary Member.

e) Maintain good standing within the club and complete 6 shoots in six months in the discipline they are supported for. Shoots to be signed off by the Delegate on member’s Probationary Card.

To Apply
Contact the club Registrar by email at or by post to PFRC PO Box 899 Joondalup DC WA, 6919. giving the firearm details for which you are seeking support, appropriate written bona-fides and contact details for your previous club. The committee will review your circumstances and advise of requirements for a probationary membership application. At the expiration of the six month probationary period, return the completed Probationary Card to PFRC PO Box 899 Joondalup DC WA, 6919 for presentation and consideration by the committee to full membership.

After completing the prescribed criteria for club support, a full member can apply for club Support via the discipline delegate.